Q- Where can customers track their orders?
A- Orders can be tracked through specific order numbers on our tracking page. We will send your unique tracking number once order has been confirmed and shipped.
Q- Is it possible to change the order and how it can be done?
A- Yes you can within 1 day of order- Just email support@dominionstorehouse.com.
Q- If customer received only part of the whole order, what should be done?
A- That shouldn't happen. But in the unlikely event that happens, Please contact our support team (support@dominionstorehouse.com).
Q- Are there any available discounts for loyal customer?
A- We have plenty of promotions always on offer. Once you are a registered Dominion storehouse member (by email), we will send you our unique discount codes when available.
Q- When is the next promotion?
A- Again, our marketing team will communicate our current promotional offers with all our customers with a registered account. You can always email our team to find out our next promotional dates.
Privacy policy
Q- How can an order be cancelled?
A- Please refer to our Returns and Refunds help board.
Q- If an order is shipped, separately will there be double shipping charge?
A- No! once you pay for the full product, there should not be any additional shipping costs.
Q- What are the Customs fees and/or taxes for international orders?
A- This is totally dependant on each country's regulations. Please see our International Taxes help board for more information.